BiodivERsA Era-net
Funding Organisation: BiodivERsA Era-net
Country of origin: EU Projects
What type of research is funded? Applied, Basic
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Demand Driven
Total budget:  40 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  %
Programme start year: 2008
Duration of programme: 7 years
Programme open for funding of international participation:  Yes
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  Yes
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Environmental
In 2008, BiodivERsA launched a major European call on biodiversity, through which 12 international research projects have been selected and supported for 
a total funding of €14.2M. The consortium has launched a second European call on 'biodiversity and ecosystem services' in November 2010, through which 7 projects were selected for
€9.5M. In November 2011, BiodivERsA partners have launched the Network's third call for research proposals on 'biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios,
identifying tipping points and improving reslience,' for a total reserved budget between 6 and 8M€. In November 2012 it will launch its fourth call for research proposals on 'invasive species and biological invasions.'
Long Description: 
BiodivERsA is a network of 21 research-funding agencies across 15 European countries. It is a second-generation ERA-Net, funded under the EU’s 7th Framework 
Programme for Research. BiodivERsA works to coordinate national research programmes on biodiversity across Europe and to organize international funding for research projects
in this field, on a competitive basis

WEB Link:
Projects Supported by this Programme:

URBRES Urban biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Root WEB Link:
Submitted by: Professor Paul Bardos EUGRIS Team Who does what?               Request editing privileges for this posting